Wednesday, April 17, 2013

A Blast From the Past

It's hard to believe that we're already halfway through the month of April! To mark the halfway point of the hop I thought it would be fun to have another contest and give-a-way! So, to be entered to win, you must leave your answer to my question either here as a comment, or in the comments section of the Facebook page. Our prize this time will be 12 black and white fat quarters. This will be a fun assortment but not necessarily from the shop hop line.
So, here it goes...

A Blast From the Past Shop Hop Trivia Question
Which of the following fabric lines was NOT used as a shop hop collection over the past ten years?
A. Marie Osmond
B. Big Top Circus
C. Hoffman Bali Batiks
D. Beatrix Potter
Leave your answer here as a comment or as a comment on the Facebook page. All correct answers will be put in a basket and one winner will be drawn! Good luck! You have through Friday 4/19/13 at midnight to leave your answer. I'll announce the lucky winner on Saturday 4/20!


  1. I believe it is D....Beatrix Potter.

  2. I'll go with C. Hoffman Bali Batiks.

  3. Replies
    1. Sheila if I win!!!!!! Thanks for all you folks are doing for this hop!!!!

    2. Beatrix Potter, crossing my fingers!

  4. I think it was Marie Osmond collection.
    contact Marilyn at please if I win

  5. I'm guessing "A" - Marie Osmond. If it was one of the others, they sound like fun fabric lines and maybe you will use the other some year. Is Marie a quilter? Circus fabric would be fun to work with.
